Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Kassandra is 3 months old!

Wow,  how time really does fly by.  I can't believe that it has been 3 months already, but what a joyful 3 months it has been.  We have enjoyed every day, minute, and second with Kassandra, (even the bad moments).  We love her facial expressions from her pouty, I want my way now lip, to her quivering, I'm gonna cry now lip, to her big, I'm so happy smiles.  We enjoy all the noises she makes as well, from the cooing and bubbles, to the gas and crying, it's all fun (ok sometimes not so fun) to listen to.  We enjoy it when she sets her sights on a toy and she is bound and determined to find a way to get it.  Then there is her little blanket teddy bear that she takes everywhere with her.  This has become her best bud, and the one who understands all.  Kassandra also loves hanging out with other young kids and babies, especially Logan as he pays so much attention to her.  I used to love how I could pass her onto anyone and she would be so happy and content to let them hold her for however long they wanted to.  Now, however, she is a mommy's girl.  Only when she is in the mood will she let Tom, David or Wendy hold her.  We love the way she loves to eat, she has definitely picked up daddy’s appetite and enjoyment of food (even if it is only formula at this time)!  When she eats she just watches me, as if I am somehow keeping her entertained. When I feed her, I used to talk to her about family, life, love, or our day or week, but now I can no longer do that because instead of listening she falls asleep, and I sometimes have to ask Tom to come in and talk to her because once she hears his voice, she wakes right up. She clicks her tongue like she is sucking on the bottle to let us know that she is ready to eat…..NOW!!!!!, and unless she is really tired she always finish her bottle.  We REALLY enjoy the fact that when she gets her night bottle, she sleeps through the whole night. Kassandra also has a love/hate relationship with water.  At first she really hated taking a bath or being in water, but now she is learning to like it.  There are nights that we put her in the bath water and she acts like it is the best thing next to her bottle.  And then through all of this there is Kassandra's two favorite times of the day.  First thing in the morning when Tom goes into the nursery to say goodbye to her.  Kassandra knows that it is not time to get up and eat yet, but if she is awake she loves to send Tom off to work with a big smile.  The second favorite time is when Tom comes home from work.  After setting his bags down Tom must give Kassandra a hello kiss, hug and discussion that only these two can understand.

Apparently I felt the need to document her 3 month birthday.  Therefore I took over 400 photo's.  No wonder why at the end of the day, when it was time for the family photo's she wanted nothing to do with me or the camera!  What a great sport though.  She hung in there just long enough for us to get a couple of great photo's.

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